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Republicans have tried — and failed — to overhaul the Endangered Species Act for decades. This time could be different. House Natural Resources Chair...
House Democrats are now amplifying their alarm about the Interior Department's firing of some U.S. Geological Survey scientists and abrupt elimination...
House Natural Resources Republicans piled on the gray wolf's Endangered Species Act listing during a Tuesday hearing to justify legislation to overhau...

Office Locations

San Rafael District Office

999 Fifth Ave. Suite 290San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 258-9657 Fax: (415) 258-9913

Fort Bragg District Office

430 North Franklin St. Fort Bragg, CA 95437
P.O. Box 2208 Fort Bragg 95437
Phone: (707) 962-0933 Fax: (707) 962-0905

Ukiah District Office

200 South School Street Ukiah, CA 95482
Phone: (707) 671-7449 Fax: (707) 962-0905

Eureka District Office

317 Third Street Suite 1 Eureka, CA 95501
Phone: (707) 407-3585 Fax: (707) 407-3559

Washington, D.C. Office

2330 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5161 Fax: (202) 225-5163

Petaluma District Office

206 G Street, Unit #3 Petaluma, CA 94952
Phone: (707) 981-8967